Bubblebubs Care and Washing Instructions


    Dealing with soiled nappies
    • Use a dry pail with holes for aeration
    • Pee nappies can be placed straight into the dry pail
    • Remove poo solids into the toilet, scraping, using a nappy sprayer
      - rinse under hot water, pretreat stains if desired, then dry pail
    • Night nappies (or nappies that have been in use for longer than 5 hours) contain a greater quantity and concentration of urine. A separate, thorough hand-rinse in hot water with detergent, in the morning, is recommended. Then dry pail as normal.

    Washing nappies

    • Bubblebubs recommend a two-step wash system using a good-quality mainstream detergent
    • Prewash: Use a short cycle with half the recommended dose of detergent for a heavily soiled load
    • Main Wash: Use the longest cycle on your machine with the full dose of detergent for a heavily soiled load, up to 60°C
    • A pre-wash cycle removes the bulk of the soiling so that the main wash is done in clean water
    • Washing nappies every other day helps to prevent smells, ammonia and mould from developing and deteriorating fabrics
    • Do not spin over 800rpm as that can cause undue stress on the nappy elastics

    Drying nappies 

    • For nappies that contain elastics (especially all-in-ones or fitted nappies) hang them lengthways across the line, so that the elastics are not being stretched and to prevent additional wear and tear
    • Hang covers/shells in the shade, or indoors
    • If line drying isn’t possible, use the dryer on the lowest setting for shells, waiting until they are cold before stretching elastics
    • If possible just put the inserts in the dryer rather than covers and shells to help extend their life


    New nappies

    • Soak new nappies overnight to increase absorbency (only absorbent material needs to be soaked)
    • It will take 6-8 washes for nappies to reach maximum absorbency
    • Nappies can still be used after one wash, they will just require changing more frequently until they reach maximum absorbency
    • Wash all parts of the nappy once before use, in warm water

    Barrier creams

    • Rash and barrier creams should wash out in hot water with a good quality detergent, however a liner can also be used if needed

    Washing aids

    • Don’t use fabric softener or vinegar on your nappies - fabric softener coats the fibres of the fabric, causing them to repel, whilst vinegar may cause the breakdown of the components of the nappy
    • Napisan/Vanish type products can be used in the wash or as stain treatments prior, follow the instructions on the packaging
    • The use of chlorine bleach may void your warranty if used incorrectly, please contact Bubblebubs for more information
